When Roxy, Erin, Carly, and Danika found out that their boyfriend, Chase, had been dating all of them behind their backs, they were rightfully upset. They had found out about Chase’s relationships on accident when all four of them were about to meet Chase at his home for his birthday. Each one of them had sex with Chase over the course of their relationships, and all of them believed that he was going to be their future groom. Instead of just storming in and ruining his birthday, they wanted to teach him a lesson. As it turned out, Carly was a powerful witch who could warp reality. She had a plan, which all of the other girls agreed to participate.
The plan was simple: Chase would be transformed into a girl while Roxy, Erin, Carly, and Danika would be transformed into men. The spell would also make Chase complete subservient to all four of them, making sure that he would do whatever they wanted. Carly also said that the spell could be made permanent if each of them cums inside of Chase within 12 hours, warping reality to make always have the changes. The other girls were not sure, but allowed the spell to be cast. After seeing the look of desperation, confusion, and fear in Chase’s new face, the former girls decided unanimously to make this permanent. Now, Carl, Dan, Aaron, and Rocky are enjoying the first of many times with their new slave: Chastity.