It seemed only fair. In all the years I have been married to Eric, I have enjoyed him fucking me in every room of the house and in every way possible. I have even begged for it and he has been very, very good at giving me pleasure.
So once the technology became available, I made the simple suggestion that we switch for a week. What is the big deal? He exploded and said no way and then he called me a bitch which was way out of line.
Since agreement was out of the question I mixed his meds into a soup. I gave him an extra dose of hormones. I timed the last part of the transformation for after I got my new cock (his!) into “Erica”, and after I put her down on her hands and knees. My theory was that she would be so busy dealing with the situation that she would overcome her previous doubts.
It worked like a charm. When Erica became focused and understood she was in my body and I in hers, she pushed her sexy butt back against my cock. I didn’t want to be mean but I said “Now who’s the bitch?”
She said “I am so sorry. Please keep fucking me.” We called in sick and I fucked her silly for a week. She loved it and is already looking forward to her special week next month.