Cheap bodysuit

“how does I look? said John(17) spinning around Tyler(17)”You look like a doll?” John”Who cares? This bodysuit was so cheap”Tyler”I still don’t know why you bought it, It’s not safe buy this kind of things in internet” But John was admiring himself in the mirror slipping his hands from the chest to the butt Tyler”Did you hear me?” smiling Jon responded”Yes i heard you but boys like my curves” “Boys?” Said Tyler surprised”Ahm… okay anyway don’t you want do the math homework?” John” Oh no I can’t -giggle- It’s too complicated for me -giggle” Tyler:”You’re right you’re so sexy and those boobs and butt makes you gorgeous” John”thank you sweetie but … i don’t remember who am I?” Tyler thought he couldn’t miss this chance to make fun of his friend after he will come out of the bodysuit “You’re my girlfriend Roxane, you always says I’m the hottest “Jhon”You’re right-giggle- I’m the luckiest girl on earth” after had said this Jhon threw himself in Tyler arms saying in a seductive tone”why don’t we have a girlfriend/boyfriend special moment?” Tyler couldn’t control himself he was enchanted by his new girlfiend sexiness so he had sex with her. After that he didn’t know anymore if he wants his friend back again to make fun of him.


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