
Insulting the Flight Attendant

After calling the flight attendant a bitch for giving him warm beer, Ted would find he would be in a for a different ride this flight. She had newly acquired magic powers and was dying to try them out on someone. She turned Tad into a woman instantly and his smile from the insult quickly faded once he realized he had boobs, long blue fingernails, long hair, and a different feeling groin area. Read more

Busty Trusty

Rhonda, Brenda, Jess, Tess, and Rory, all welcomed Tim to womanhood much to his surprise and shock. Rhonda and Jess hefted and licked his new boobs, as Rory licked his new pussy. Brenda and Tess declared that Tiffany was born as “she” moaned in ecstasy as her pussy was eaten out. Tim now Tiffany had said she loved big breasted slutty girls, so they made him into one. The girls didn’t appreciate being called sluts, so a little revenge and addition to their girl group was in order for Tim to learn a lesson and join them as their newest member of the Roxy Foxy group of party gals.

New Soap

I got home after a hard day working and decided to take a shower. ” Honey , I’ll be right out after washing this dirt off! “. I heard her say something about don’t use her soap but I don’t listen to her.
I got the water just right and got in . I was letting the shower just run down me when I started looking for some soap to wash with. I just grabbed the closest one I could find and started lathering up. It really felt good! The more I scrubbed the better I felt! What I didn’t realize was the soap I grabbed was hers. It is called FemForever!
As I kept washing my body was going through changes that I didn’t realize until it was too late! “Honey!!! I said in my now very feminine voice-” come here ! I have a little problem! “. When she opened up the door to the shower this is what she saw…

Dolly’s Dresses

I hope the girls like my dress. I can’t believe that I didn’t want to wear these a year ago. There were so many things I thought that I’d never get used to, but it all seems pretty normal now. I can still clearly remember being a guy, but I just don’t connect with that identity anymore. I remember the first time that mommy tried to get me to wear a dress, I was so angry I almost started crying.
“I’m your son! You can’t make me wear a dress!” I screamed
That seems so silly now. I really did resist for a long time after I caught the feminine flu, almost a full six months. I wore boxers, refused makeup or to do my hair. I event tried to lower my voice even though it sounded ridiculous. Now that I’ve met more women in my positions I’ve learned that for most of us the breaking point came when the first boy started to pay them some attention. However, boys being boys most people gave into their female identities within a month of their physical transformation.
I was determined though. Boys would talk to me, place their hands on my knee and I slapped them. This didn’t happen to often though, I hardly went out and when I did my clothes were so baggy that my gender was hard to determine. It was a serious case of denial, I was becoming more and more attracted to boys but I could not stand the thought of giving in that way, so cliché.
“Oh Randy! Of course I’ll be a girl for you!” –gross-
No, for me it was something different.
I was with my mom and little sister at the mall. My mother was determined to get a nice Christmas card.
“I just want to show off my two gorgeous daughters and show everyone that we don’t need no man!” she laughed, we’d caught my father in an affair six months ago and had hardly seen him since.
Because my mother was so determined she had managed to get me into a dress with minimal makeup. I could not stop blushing or swearing under my breath. The very worst part was that I did look pretty good. I walked over to the raised platform where women try on dresses and observed myself in the mirrors. There was no man there, only infinite women staring back at me. I moved my lips and she moved her lips, I moved the edge of my dress and the infinite shes did the same. That was the first time that I had really looked at myself for any extended period. I was shorter than I used to be, I slipped out of my high heels and stood no taller than 5’ 3”. I stood maybe 5 inches from the mirror, observing every change in my face, my newly plump lips (with light red lipstick), my eyelashes (with light mascara), my soften jawline that lead down to my cleavage, my cleavage. It was at that moment, lost in a trance that one of the women in the store stepped next to the platform.
“You really should buy that dress, it looks really pretty on you” Read more

How I changed

My friend Tom tricked me into putting a necklace on. He said it was a gift for his sister, and he just wanted to see how it looks. “But I am a guy” I said. “I know, I just want to see how it looks” he insisted. “Fine” I said and put it on. “Ok, you’ve seen it, now I am taking it off” I said, “You will do no such thing. Leave it on” he said. I really wanted to take it off, but somehow I couldn’t. Read more

Stuck as Melissa (part 7, interactive)

The next morning when I arrived at the office to start my new life in a 19 year old secretary’s body, I found that I had been transferred. Well, technically promoted. I was now Jake Salvo’s personal assistant. Read more

Magische Kriminalität

“Kann ich meine Hände jetzt wieder runternehmen” sagte Niels in der neuen Mädchenstimme die er seit 20 Minuten hatte. “Wir sind wirklich Männer, die eine aus dieser Mädchengang hat uns verwandelt!”
“Klar Blondie, habt ihr Drogen genommen? Ich kenne das Millieu hier und ihr lasst euch immer neue Ausreden einfallen, um keine Strafe abzubekommen. Jetzt her mit deinem Ausweis!” sagte der genervte Polizist.
“Den hab ich ja eben versucht zu suchen als ihr dachtet ich hol n Messer oder so raus. Ich hab keine Ahnung wo ich hier meinen Ausweis haben könnte.” Nach ein wenig suchen beachtete Niels die Handtasche die zwischen seinen Beinen stand, direkt neben den pinken Converse Schuhen. “Ah hier .. ey, ich hab echt keine Ahnung was hier abgeht. Hier scheint wohl mein Portmonee zu sein, aber nochmal, ich und Dominik hier haben die alte Dame da nicht ausgeraubt. Das war so eine Mädchengang und wir wollten helfen. Plötzlich holt die eine so einen alten Stock aus ihrer Tasche zeigt auf uns … ich wurde von irgendwas getroffen und im nächsten Moment habe ich blonde Haare im Gesicht und pinke Fingernägel.
“Ja ja … ist klar Mädchen. Gut … ja, das ist dein Ausweis: Chantal Barinski, geboren 2001 in Berlin. Was ist mit der Nutte da neben dir, hast du auch deinen Ausweis gefunden mittlerweile oder guckst du da draußen nur Jungs hinterher” sagte der Polizist zu Dominik.
“Was heißt hier Nutte? Das was Niels sagte stimmt, ich stand da plötzlich im Park und hab sofort die Brüste gesehen in diesem mega Ausschnitt den die mir gegeben haben. In meinem Rock hier habe ich keine Taschen mehr” sagte Dominik und tastete nochmal alles hab. “Niels, vielleicht bei dir in der Handtasche?”
Nach kurzer Suche zwischen Taschentüchern, Make-Up, Tampons, Pfefferspray und nem iPhone fand Niels, jetzt Chantal, ein violettes Portmonee. Der Polizist sah sich den Ausweis an.
“Ayla Shaylin Lammers, türkische und deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft, geboren 2000 auch in Berlin. Deutscher Vater und türkische Mutter?”
Dem Polizisten schien es Spaß zu machen und er erlebte das wohl auch mehrmals am Tag. Die Hinweise der beiden zur Verwandlung überhörte er. Da die alte Dame aussagte, dass die beiden das nicht waren und wohl nur zufällig da waren wurden sie gehen lassen.
Die neue Chantal wartete schon draußen als die neue Ayla ausstieg und da wusste Niels auch warum der Bulle sie Nutte genannt hatte. Ayla war kleiner als Chantal, hatte größere Brüste, ein hautenges Oberteil, einen Minirock und braune High heels an. “Scheiße, was haben die mit uns gemacht. Du siehst echt aus wie ne 17 jährige Nutte” sagte Chantal. “Ach ja? Du hast die Kondome in deiner Handtasche wohl umsonst” sagte Ayla genervt. Read more

It’s not fair

My friend Alan and I were just friends going for a swim in the hotel pool. If you are a guy jumping into the pool in your swim trunks that is what you should be when you swim to the other end. Read more

Need to Get Dressed

Sure Ned was shocked when he woke up at the lab in Rebecca’s busty body. He stared in the mirror, reached below to find his new equipment, then zipped up his tight black pants, and touched a feel of his new ample breasts. She had often said women didn’t move up well at the Research Royal Company, so perhaps she had used their experimental body swap machine to switch their bodies? That had to be it, but now in Rebecca’s body, he had no clearance to get even close to it, let along find Rebecca in his body, and then swap back. Perhaps he should have protected the machine better, but had fallen asleep in the lab with the door open. Read more

Shower of 6

I can’t believe I was against it. I was taking a shower, when five women broke into my hotel room, and joined me in the shower. “I am a married man” I told them. But they were already naked,they started massaging my body. “Please… stop” I said, but it just felt so good. I felt so turned on, but somehow I didn’t feel a hard on. I tried to make sense of it all, but I felt very sensitive when one of them touched my chest. Read more