It Worked

Yes! It worked. Look at me, I’m a girl. Vagina, breasts, soft skin. They were right. This beach does change you it’s magical. I’m a girl. Yes. It worked.
Yes! It worked. Look at me, I’m a girl. Vagina, breasts, soft skin. They were right. This beach does change you it’s magical. I’m a girl. Yes. It worked.
Martin awoke to shock. A woman, on a beach. He was no longer a man on his couch. That was an absolute certainty. Then it began flooding back to him. His friend, or former friend made Martin female. A beautiful girl with a slim yet not featureless body and blonde hair. Mia. Martin was hypnotised to be Mia, the girlfriend of his friend.
Martin was furious and the memories kept flooding back. His friends extravagant dinners with Mia which often followed a passionate session in a hotel room. Martin recalled the way that himself as a woman was an expert of walking in heels and wearing make up despite never having any experience before. Then he remembered the marriage.
This was not any day at the beach. It was Mia’s honeymoon following her wedding. Her beautiful wedding were she wore the most elegant white dress. She was so pretty. It disgusted Martin.
However, there was no way out. Martin was Mia, he would never be a male again. He was a woman and the wife of his friend, her husband. It’s time to move on and live the life as the wife of his friend.
Angie and I had been hiking buddies for years. We were just friends. Sure I appreciated that she was a nice looking woman but what kept us going after college was our love of the wilderness.
picnics are a thing my wife and I do a lot, we are practically experts.
we know the places, we know the blanket, and most importantly we knew the food. when it comes to food we don’t hold back.
we bake pies days before we go, have a cabinet specifically for saving food for picnics.
They were all wrapped. Being offered the opportunity to be beautiful females for the weekend don’t come often. Particularly for men.
For Ryan, Nate, Barry and Fred they had this chance and the took it. None of them are going back, that’s for sure.
I knew something wasn’t right. I knew it. That freighter was obscenely suspicious yet I did nothing about it absolutely nothing. I didn’t think to move my boat well clear. It cost me.
It was carrying a feminising chemical and they released. I inhaled the toxic substance and inhaled it deeply. It changed my body from top to bottom. I was soon a petite blonde. A female.
Why didn’t I move the boat?
Tg camp is a real character builder. Businesses and schools use it so people can appreciate how the other half live.
Roger, Norman and Harry were loving it at first. They embraced being able to look down and see boobs and have great orgasms. But it soon grew old.
They only had really feminine clothes and they all despised wearing them. This lead to lack of clothing and feeling cold. And there is only so many times you can squat to pee. They all can’t wait until they can go home and be male again.
This wasn’t an accident. Unlike others, we knew. We knew about the contamination in the water. We wanted to jump in it just to find out. What did it feel like to be a woman?
Step by step we went in to the pool. Every bit of our bodies the water touched made it feminine. As the water swelled above our feet our feet shrunk, hair abolished and toenails polished. As we went further in our legs became womanly and smooth. Soon there was the introduction of wide hips and a plump ass as well as two pink lips forming a vagina. Further and further until we dunked our heads under and into femininity.
We were both so excited. We couldn’t wait to learn more and buy sexy bikinis. Let’s see what’s ahead.
They were right. Ocean water really does make you feel better. It certainly makes my skin softer and makes it feel like you have more room downstairs. Oh wait, I’m a woman. Even better.
They’re breasts. I have breasts. They weren’t there before. What’s on my shoulder? I put my hand to my shoulder to examine the scene. It was hair. That’s strange because I have short hair. I sit on a seat in the pool and cross my legs as I think. I’d never found crossing my legs so comfortable. Something’s not right. I put my hand down to investigate. I’m so comfortable because I have a pussy my dick is gone. I am a woman. Something’s in the pool. Someone has contaminated the pool. This isn’t good. I don’t want to be a woman I’m a man. This isn’t good.