Tag Archives: Gif


When men become women it can be very exciting. Quite often, it is just as and on many occasions even more exciting for those around them.
Nate had always wanted to be a woman. Amy was always a close friend of his and was well aware of his secretive desire. Amy was saddened to see her friend unhappy with his body. So when she saw that there is a business downtown that specialised in transformations thought instantly of Nate. She couldn’t tell him quick enough. Nate was shocked by this new revelation yet wanted to give it a crack. He’d booked an appointment immediately and Nate was in the waiting room with Amy the next morning. Nate was nervous yet knew it was what he wanted to do. When he was called he said goodbye to Amy for the last time as a man and walked through to the doctor’s office. After a series of injections, Nate was Nancy. Amy was so happy for her friend and helped her become the woman she always wanted to be. Read more

Getting out of a ticket

After Graduation my Girlfriend and I were going on a long trip to see a band we liked, it was a chance to get away, you see I recently finished battling Second Puberty and turning into a girl so this was something I was looking forward too. Read more

TG Virus Pagent

You wouldn’t think I was once a man would you. I look like a girl. I speak like a girl. I act like a girl.
The victims of the TG virus pagent is all about celebrating people’s new found form. I’ve been told I’m picked to be this years winner. When I contracted the virus I was terribly alarmed. The doctors told me I only had four days remaining as a male. I was unsure how I would live after those four days had finished. I dreaded being a female, I didn’t see how I could live on the other side of the fence. Those four days were hard my body was gradually changing.
When it was all over I discovered that being a female isn’t that bad. I discovered that I was in fact quite beautiful. I fell in love with my new form. I loved shopping for new clothes to suit my body. It was always so fun. I learned how to apply make up expertly and do my hair stunningly.
When I saw a flyer about the pagent, I couldn’t resist. I spent all week planning how I would look. I bought my bikini and ensured it would display the best features of my body, especially my ass. I did my make up paying attention to every tiny detail. I looked in the mirror and decided that with an ass like my own, I couldn’t possibly lose.
I was so excited when I won. It confirmed to me that I loved being a girl and that I was better off this way.

Dr Rethsteki

“Hey Jeremy”, the girl turned to face an mature woman in a lab coat. “You’re a girl now”.
The girl smiled a happy smile. Jeremy had always read TG captions and fantazized about him one day being a her. But thanks to Dr Rethsteki all is good.
Dr Rethsteki discovered a chemical procedure that can instantly transform males into females. The doctor immediately used the process on himself to make him a deliciously curvy MILF. Dr Rethsteki valued her formula and wanted to share the joy of being a woman with others.
Jeremy can now share that joy. Jeremy is now a girl who is indeed very beautiful. She has an undeniably pretty face, a slim figure and long brown hair. All of which makes Jeremy very happy. Dr Rethsteki hopes to help many other men. 😉

Switching Genders

The ability to switch genders is terrific. I can be female me or male me whenever I choose. It gets you out of a lot of trouble. However, I’m a natural male and I think I’m enjoying being a female a little more. It’s almost a concern.

Schule der Erwachsenen 3

“Niels, mein Gott. Was machst du da?” rief die Mutter von Niels (16).
Auch er war in der Schule, als das Licht das Gebäude traf. Er verwandelte sich in Sina, ein 16 jähriges Mädchen aus einer Parallelklasse, welches er schon immer ganz süß fand. In einer Glascheibe konnte er beobachten wie aus ihm ein blondes Teeniemädchen wurde. Dabei stockte ihm schon der Atem. Doch was dann passierte, war noch schlimmer. Sina`s Spiegelbild begann zu altern. Aber nicht wie bei vielen seiner Mitschüler und 10 bis 20 Jahre. Nein, beim ihm waren es etwa 25 bis 30. So wurde aus dem süßen blonden Teenie Mädchen eine reife Frau etwa Mitte 50. Niels wusste nicht wie ihm geschah. Eine Frau zu sein war schon schwer genug. Doch dann auch noch 25 Jahre seines Lebens zu verlieren? Read more

Schule der Erwachsenen 5

Daniel (14) hasste den Französischunterricht. Am liebsten hatte er diese dämliche Sprache abgewählt. Als das seltsame Licht die Schule traf, war auch eine Französische Ausstauschschülerin namens Madeleine (14) in seiner Klasse. Er machte sich oft über ihren starken Dialekt und ihr schlechtes Deutsch lustig. Er fand, dass sie sich wie eine kleine Nutte anhörte. Read more