I woke up, throwing the covers off me and sitting up, my legs dangling over the side of my bed. Wait. That wasn’t right. I could put my feet flat on the floor last night. And what’s with this weight on my chest…
“Holy cow, it worked! I have tits!” I reached up and took one of my bare new breasts in my hands, giving them a small squeeze. “Oh man that feels good!” I gave them another small squeeze before jumping out of bed, my new tits slapping on to my chest as I did so.
“Easy there girls,” I said looking down at them.
I walked over to the mirror in my room to get a better appreciation of my new body:
My tits hung heavily on my chest, my nipples big and round. Managing to pull my eyes away from them for a moment I looked further down.
“Woah, these hips don’t lie!”
My ass was barely covered by the pair of panties I had on. I guess the wish really did work. I had wished that everything would be as though I had been born a girl, and so far it seemed that way. My room was slightly different, my bedspread, everything.
“Hmm, what about my wardrobe?…” I walked over to my closet to get dressed, opened the door and saw everything I would have expected to see in a girl’s closet.
“What to wear…” I mumbled to myself. I looked through several of my bras, before finally deciding to just go without one today.
“You girls are perky enough without any help,” I said to my boobs. Instead I grabbed an orange tank top and put that on, my braless tits straining the straps just a bit. Next I pulled off my panties and replaced them with a tighter blue pair, before finally pulling up a pair of barely-shorts over them.
Having gotten dressed I bounded down the stairs for breakfast, my tits practically escaping from their orange fabric prison. I tried to pull the neckline up to cover them a bit more, but that just made them bounce around, so I juggled them, a smile slowly forming on my lips. As they settled down, I noticed a shadow of my nipples poking though the top.
“Oh well, guess everybody’s getting a show today.”
I walked over to the counter to pour myself a bowl of cereal, enjoying the sway of my hips and the wobble of my boobs. I reached up to grab a box off the top of the fridge, and realized I was noticeably shorter than before. I just shrugged my shoulders and jumped to get the box down, enjoying the way my breasts moved with each hop.
After finishing my breakfast, I sat for a minute, thinking how best to break in this new body…
Finally, I had made a decision: “I think I’ll go to the mall and see how much attention you girls can give me!” And so I set out, enjoying each step in my new body…
(reupload of caption by @BigOnes)