No, sir, I didn’t know about the new fire department policy to cut down on calls that don’t turn out to be an emergency. I thought I smelled smoke and didn’t know what else to do.
No, sir, I didn’t know that the fire department in general and you in particular feel under-appreciated by the public. I didn’t know that we should find ways to say thank you more often.
Yes, as a man I am aware that there is a way that some women like to show their appreciation. No, I was not aware that there is a new product in your emergency kit which will adjust my chromosomal mix. Yes, I am very certain that it is against departmental regulations for you to use it on me.
No, sir I was not aware that in these circumstances you feel comfortable not adhering to those regulations. What are you doing with that needle? Let go.
(Dizzy, in high pitched voice) What is happening to me? I must have blacked out from the smoke in the house. Who am I? You say my name is Angela?
I appreciate you coming to my aid. I can’t tell you how much I as a woman appreciate a strong man like you coming to my house. Let me say if there is anything I can do right now to show my appreciation MMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFGG Oh yes sir, yes thank you for putting your cock in my mouth. I think this is a very tasty cock. Slurp, slurp. MMMMMMMFFFG Thank you so much for the service you are providing me.