November 22, 2015
“Jason and Tobias couldn’t help us. I guess we now have to search for something else.” ‘Wait Lana. Do you hear that’? Carm’ said in Lana’s breast. “What? I don’t hear anything. I should hear it though since we shear the same pair of ears.” ‘Maybe your brain just doesn’t notice. I hear something though.’ Sis said in Lana. ‘Feet pounding on the dry sand. It’s coming from over there… Er… From that hill.’ Lana did her best to navigate her huge body in the direction of the noises. Then she saw a huge number of mostly naked busty women, coming at her. She tried to avoid them by navigating to the right but was too slow. One of the women reached her and looked at her as if she was an anomaly. “This one.” She began. “I can’t hear her.” Another woman approached the naked woman talking about Lana. “She… Is different.” “She was here… Before the Ancient One.” “She is big.” “Not as big as the Ancient One.” “But her mind is strong.” One of the woman hugs Lana who awkwardly stumbles back. She nearly falls but two of the women catch her and help her up again. “Thanks, ladies but I would appreciate it if I could leave now.” “No.” One woman said . Then two. Then three and a few seconds later the whole horde said “No.” They reached out to Lana and suddenly she collapsed. “You will join us. You will join us!” Lana felt something in her. Something reaching out for her. Suddenly her vision went black and a moment later she was standing in an empty room. On the other side of the room was standing a grotesquely busty woman, even by Lana’s standards. She stared at Lana with anger and hate in her eyes. “You” She began. “Will not oppose me!” The woman suddenly has a knife in her hands and runs at Lana. Before she can reach her Lana’s eyesight vanished again and a moment later she is surrounded by the group of busty women. “You were attacked by the Ancient One. She knows of your intrusion. But we will help you. We are your command!” The busty women bow down in front of Lana. Lana smiled.