Cheat on your witch girl friend and get turned into a girl sucking dick! Find a magic medallion and get changed into a girl sucking dick! Try to help a buddy find a date for his company party and get changed into a girl sucking dick! Buy anything from an old man in a bathrobe and get changed into a girl sucking dick! Find an alien phone booth and get stuck as a girl sucking dick! Find an old spell book and get turned into a girl sucking dick! Make a wish to a genie and end up a girl sucking dick! Go to marriage counseling with your wife and end up as the girl sucking dick! Let your room mate find a computer program that changes reality and be a girl sucking dick! Orgasm thinking about the hot girl down the street and become that girl sucking dick! Take a pink pill and become a girl sucking dick! Go in the wrong water park and come out a girl sucking dick! HUMM! There seems to be a pattern here!