Darren was just an ordinary fellow with nothing going for him. He had been out walking the day before and found a stone that seem to radiate some type of energy from it. So he put it in his pocket and took it home. When he got there he put in on the drain board in the bathroom and forgot about it.
The next day he was standing there in the bathroom looking in the mirror and said” I wish I was so hot that no one could resist me !
About that time the rock started glowing until it turned a bright white blueish color then their was a flash of light!
Next thing he knew there was a bombshell of pure sex appeal looking back at him from the mirror. He put his hands under his ample breasts and felt them move. About that time her memories came flooding into his/ her head. Her name was Denise and she was a model. Denise said ” well it’s time to get ready for a night on the town with my friends! ”