I did not feel any remorse after I blasted My Aunt Suzanne with the costume gun. Suzanne was constantly complaining to my Mom about something. Suzanne gripped that she was overworked and always felt exhausted. Suzanne worked Full-Time and was trying to raise two kids and that left little time anymore for her and My Uncle to have any quality time together. Suzanne had said that she just wanted a vacation and to have some time away from everything. That was convenient for me because I wanted some time away too. I was already tired of my first year of college and I was even more frustrated with being a man. It was a win win situation for us but Suzanne didn’t realize it yet. Actually Suzanne was now just a pile of skin on the floor. Suzanne was now just a mask that could not function without me. I slowly stepped into her skin and pulled it carefully over my body. I sealed the body suit up and turned to face the mirror. I felt relieved as my Aunt’s reflection stared back at me. I pulled Suzanne’s robe over my shoulders. I hope Suzanne really wants her time away because right now I feel so good that I might not ever take her skin back off.