Tag Archives: web

Spell 76

It was a really hot and long summer day. Me and my friend James were quite bored. I was just wasting my time on my phone, when an ad popped up: “bored? don’t know what to do to make this a better day? Try one of our reality bending spells”. I found it funny, and normally I wouldn’t have clicked on a web ad, but I was just so bored, that I decided to. Plus I wasn’t the smartest guy. A text website that looked at least a couple of decades old, openned up. “Choose a spell”, I browsed through the list, but most of the spell names just sounded like mumbo jumbo to me. “I’ll just click one at random”, I said outloud as I clicked on “Spell 76”. Read more

Searching the web

Sitting at the computer I out of a whim searched on Google: “what would you look like as a girl”.
I found a whole bunch of pages and picked the most promising one.
The webpage opened up and wanted me to answer a whole host of questions such as my age, my length, my weight, hair color, my favourite music genre, clothing style and so on. It was a fairly long list of questions but i soldiered on.
In the end the usual “Click here for your results” appeared, together with a disclaimer that told me that the company couldn´t guarantee that my girl form would match the form I would have been givem if I had XY chromosomes from birth. Yadda yadda yadda.
Show me the results instead. Read more