Tag Archives: tghActivated

Hactivated (pt 3 of Activated)

It was a bright Saturday afternoon and I (Dave, 24 years old) and my wife were headed to Barry’s BBQ party. We arrived I quickly met up with my old friend Jesse, while we went off to talk with a couple of beers, our wives went off to socialise with everyone. After a while Barry walked out with a controller, but it was different, there was something attached to it with a blinking light. Before anyone could say anything he pressed a button and suddenly everyone felt the shock from the chips in the back of their necks and had become completely obedient to him. Read more


It’s 2124 and society had changed dramatically in the last hundred years, everyone now attends school until the age of 20. During the final year those who scored below a certain mark find themselves changed into the ideal partner of one of those who scored higher, the higher you score the larger your harem you could build which eventually turned into a status symbol. Read more