Tag Archives: teen


“Wow, es hat funktioniert, ich bin wieder jung. Die Maschine hat funktioniert.” Merle war 40 und hatte Probleme mit dem älter werden. Durch Zufall hörte sie von einer Maschine, die ihr die Jungend wieder geben konnte. Allerdings brauchte sie dafür jemand der mit ihr genetisch verwandt war und wesentlich jünger war als sie. Da kam sie auf ihren Sohn Dominik (18). Sie wusste, dass Dominik insgeheim davon träumte, eine Frau zu sein. Sie konnte ihn übereden, mit ihr in die Maschine zu steigen. Sie würde Merle`s Körper mit Dominik`s verschmelzen. Dadurch sollte eine junge Version von Merle enstehen. Merle und ihr Sohn sollten sich dann den neuen Körper teilen. Die Vorstellung war zwar sehr Seltsam, doch beide waren neugierig und taten es. Beide waren sehr glücklich mit dem Ergebnis. Aus Merle und Dominik wurde Mandy. Am Anfang existierten noch zwei Persönlichkeiten in Mandy`s neuem, jungen Körper, doch mit der verschmolzen auch die Persönlichkeiten miteinander. Merle und Dominik waren Geschichte. Es gab nur noch Mandy…..

Not his fault

Jason couldn’t be blamed for his situation. It wasn’t his fault that his sister had been thinking about him during the FOSE. Or that he’d been swapped into her body while she fingered herself in the bath. And he could hardly be blamed for his new body being incredibly horny either. Playing with his large breasts and his wet pussy was only natural. His sister couldn’t blame him, it wasn’t his fault.

That Damn Genie Pt 1

Jennifer Lawrence had it all. Fame, fortune, beauty, and a well regarded reputation as a Hollywood actress. However, there’s one secret about her only one other person knows. She’s not the real Jennifer Lawrence.
Three years ago, Carlos was a sophomore in high school unsatisfied with how his life was. No one respected him, and was often ignored by his classmates. He wished for a life in which people would admire him and respect him for what he was.
One day, he found a rusty silver lamp abandoned on the side of the street on his way home from school. He took it with him, thinking it was antique, and tried cleaning it in his room when blue smoke poured from the lamp, forming a beautiful woman in blue cleavage.
“I am the genie of the lamp,” she said, “For freeing me from my prison, I will grant you three wishes, but choose your words wisely.”
Carlos found himself lost with words at the sight of the genie, “This has to be a dream.”
“I can assure you my master that you are not dreaming.” she said.
Carlos couldn’t think of a wish at first, but when he laid his eyes on Jennifer Lawrence on a ‘Hunger Games’ poster, his mouth smirked with excitement.
“My first wish is to be ‘up close and personal’ with Jennifer Lawrence!” The genie waved her hand and blue smoke surrounded her master. When the smoke cleared, Carlos found himself leaning against a tree wearing a nightgown, with long wavy blonde hair in his vision, and a pair of breasts on his chest.
“What the fuck?!” he yelled with Jennifer’s voice, “This is NOT what I had in mind! Where’s that damn genie?”

Better as a Girl

“Dude I can’t believe my mom found that remote, I’m getting kinda jealous, she can do anything with it” All of a sudden, Justin’s mom walked in and pointed the remote at him and his friend. Justin began to shrink and his friend Eric grew a little taller.
Justins hair began to grow, his arms becoming slender, his hair becoming non existent everywhere else but his head, his chest grew, his penis shrunk and his body now stood 5’2 instead of the 5’11 he stood before, his penis replaced with a soft wet pussy. He was now for all intents and purposes a girl.
“Here’s how its gonna work said Justin’s Mom” Justin your name is Hailey now, your my best friend. Eric your gonna fuck both of us, I’m tired of being 40, I’m going to make myself a little younger than you two are, Hailey your gonna be my age, Eric you’ll still be 18. Hailey we’re 16 now, Eric is a senior at our high school and I’m gonna show you how to take a cock in your pussy for the first time.
Haileys memories changed before she could remember being Justin, she could remember having just graduated high school but now she could barely remember how to do algebra, her friend Adrianna was helping her relieve her stress, she was so lucky Adrianna’s parents were out of town, it was so fun to be alone just them two and Eric. Hailey had had a crush on him forever and couldn’t wait for Adrianna to guide his dick into her hot eager pussy. Hailey waited leaning over the edge of the washer in anticipation as she felt his dick touch the lips of her virgin pussy.

Better as a Girl

“Dude I can’t believe my mom found that remote, I’m getting kinda jealous, she can do anything with it” All of a sudden, Justin’s mom walked in and pointed the remote at him and his friend. Justin began to shrink and his friend Eric grew a little taller.
Justins hair began to grow, his arms becoming slender, his hair becoming non existent everywhere else but his head, his chest grew, his penis shrunk and his body now stood 5’2 instead of the 5’11 he stood before, his penis replaced with a soft wet pussy. He was now for all intents and purposes a girl.
“Here’s how its gonna work said Justin’s Mom” Justin your name is Hailey now, your my best friend. Eric your gonna fuck both of us, I’m tired of being 40, I’m going to make myself a little younger than you two are, Hailey your gonna be my age, Eric you’ll still be 18. Hailey we’re 16 now, Eric is a senior at our high school and I’m gonna show you how to take a cock in your pussy for the first time.
Haileys memories changed before she could remember being Justin, she could remember having just graduated high school but now she could barely remember how to do algebra, her friend Adrianna was helping her relieve her stress, she was so lucky Adrianna’s parents were out of town, it was so fun to be alone just them two and Eric. Hailey had had a crush on him forever and couldn’t wait for Adrianna to guide his dick into her hot eager pussy. Hailey waited leaning over the edge of the washer in anticipation as she felt his dick touch the lips of her virgin pussy.

It’s Morphing Time

Jason was a big fan of the Power Rangers when he was growing up. He followed the tv series his entire childhood. But now that Jason is in high school he doesn’t watch it anymore, right? Wrong. Jason still follows the Power Rangers series to this day. His first major crush was on Kimberly from the original crew of teens. He loved the messages the show got across, and always dreamed of becoming one. Read more

Vater und Sohn werden Mutter und Tochter 2

Es war nun einige Monate her, dass sich Stefan und sein etwas Sohn Sascha mit dem Werewoman Fluch infiziert hatten. Sascha hatte etwas Angst, aber war auch gespannt auf seine erste Verwandlung. Wie würde er wohl aussehen? So wie sein Vater?
Er war dann schon etwas entäuscht, nach seiner ersten Verwandlung. Aus ihm wurde nur ein Teeniemädchen mit kleinen Brüsten und einem flachen Po. Er hatte gehofft, dass er auch so drall wird, wie sein Vater, wenn er zu Stefanie wurde. Read more

Vater und Sohn werden Mutter und Tochter 1

Sascha (17) und sein Vater Stefan (38) hatten seit längerer Zeit ein schwieriges Verhältnis. Saschas Mutter und Stefans (Ex)-Frau war vor einem Jahr mit einem Anderen durchgebrannt und hatte die Zwei zurückgelassen. Sascha fehlte seine Mutter und er fand es nicht gut, dass sein Vater sich am Wochenende in Kneipen und Bars herum trieb und dabei öfter Frauen aufriss. Read more

Pornoschlampe Teil 1

“Ok, Genie. Danke, dass du mich in ein Mädchen verwandelt hast. Aber ich hatte doch etwas anderes im Kopf. Ich meine, ich sehe ja ganz süß aus. Aber ein Teeniemädchen zu sein, ist nicht ganz so meins. Irgentwie wäre ich doch lieber so eine Pornoschlampe. Also mit dicken Silikontitten, Tatoos und Piercings. Und natürlich einer extrem aktiven Libido” sagte Dominik. Read more