Tag Archives: mom

20 years after

I’ve always felt different. I can’t explain it, but I feel like there is something different in me. My mother, Kim, got pregnant while on the beach a couple of decades ago. Although she is a great mother, back then she was a bimbo. She slept with so many guys that day, that she doesn’t know who my father is. Read more

Mom and Daughter Duo

I never expected this. You see once I was old enough to know what I wanted, I chose to go through transition from male to female. I was not prepared for my mom’s reaction. As it turns out she had always wanted a daughter, so when I came to her about my transition her excitement was completely unexpected. She even paid for everything! So now she and I go shopping together, to the spa, double dating, and as you can see double blowing! 🙂 One of our favorite things is to see who can make their man cum faster, and right now it seems like we’re pretty tied.


“Wow, es hat funktioniert, ich bin wieder jung. Die Maschine hat funktioniert.” Merle war 40 und hatte Probleme mit dem älter werden. Durch Zufall hörte sie von einer Maschine, die ihr die Jungend wieder geben konnte. Allerdings brauchte sie dafür jemand der mit ihr genetisch verwandt war und wesentlich jünger war als sie. Da kam sie auf ihren Sohn Dominik (18). Sie wusste, dass Dominik insgeheim davon träumte, eine Frau zu sein. Sie konnte ihn übereden, mit ihr in die Maschine zu steigen. Sie würde Merle`s Körper mit Dominik`s verschmelzen. Dadurch sollte eine junge Version von Merle enstehen. Merle und ihr Sohn sollten sich dann den neuen Körper teilen. Die Vorstellung war zwar sehr Seltsam, doch beide waren neugierig und taten es. Beide waren sehr glücklich mit dem Ergebnis. Aus Merle und Dominik wurde Mandy. Am Anfang existierten noch zwei Persönlichkeiten in Mandy`s neuem, jungen Körper, doch mit der verschmolzen auch die Persönlichkeiten miteinander. Merle und Dominik waren Geschichte. Es gab nur noch Mandy…..

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I came back to the club, fuming with anger looking for my sister. I saw her still sitting there in the booth, but she had a few guys around her. Read more

Wunsch mit Folgen

Dominik`s (16) Mutter Judith war vor einem Jahr gestorben und er vermisste sie sehr. Als er eines Abends eine Sternschnuppe sah, wünschte er sich, das seine Mutter wieder bei ihm wäre. Kurz darauf verwandelte sich sein Körper in den seiner Mutter. Im selben Moment kam sein Vater Jörg ins Zimmer und sah seine verstorbene Frau Judith, die im nun sagte, dass sie doch eigentlich sein Sohn Dominik sei. Beide waren erst sehr durcheinander, aber irgentwie war eine Magie zwischen den Beiden, so dass sie kurz darauf Sex hatten.Am nächsten Morgen lag Dominik, jetzt Judith glücklich im Bett von Jörg, der ja eigentlich ihr Vater war. Die Nacht war der Wahnsinn und sie wollte nie wieder Jörg`s Sohn sein. Nein, sie war jetzt seine Frau…

Bad news

Tom-My mother thanks you had granted these days by young teenager and asks when you will swap back?
but seeing Tom in the body of his mother dressed only in underwear and heels asked
Tom-What are you doing dressed like that !?
Jake-I’m waiting for a person then it’s my home and I can wear what I want
Tom-no it is not your home! is my mom’s house!
Jake-who do I look like? I waited for the right time to tell you … but from now on I will be your mom
Tom-no I can not accept it
Jake-do not worry I’ll be the best mom ever. hurry to leave Brad is coming
Tom-Brad who? not that douchebag from gym
Jake-Yes … I know you can not understand, but now that I am a woman I have my needs, and he is so strong and cool, and has a crush on your mo… me.
Tom-but why all this ?!
I discovered that I love all the attention I get, it’s fun and exciting when the boys look at my tits and beyond. I like to have all to my feet. And then sex..but you can understand it only when you try it. I will keep my affairs secret, I don’t want to anyone think I am a whore, as long as you behave yourself. Now go to Tom and give him the bad news
Tom-Io ..
Ding Dong. Jake in Tom’s mother body went to open
Brad-hello beauty
after the greetings Tom saw Brad kissing his mother and grabbing her ass
Brad-then we may start the fun?
Jake-Wait,my son is leaving
Brad-oh hello tom- said, giving him a pat on the back-do not worry,I will give her back to you whole.
Brad took his mother in his arms and start having sex with her while Tom went out to tell his mom the bad news

young again

49 year old Catherine was overweight and this made her sad. Luckily for her there was a way to change that as her daughter Danielle was unhappy and wanted to skip college so she gathered all her money up and went to their local magic store and bought the age swap rings, she gave one to her mother and kept one for her self. As both of them put on the rings they swapped ages. Catherine was jumping up and down with joy, but Danielle was frozen and slunk to the ground as she felt her boobs hit her fragile knees she realised that her mother was very overweight, this translated to Danielle having excess skin and her boobs sagging but in Catherine’s case the fat she had was stored in her new giant boobs.

Bad news

Tom-My mother thanks you had granted these days by young teenager and asks when you will swap back?
but seeing Tom in the body of his mother dressed only in underwear and heels asked
Tom-What are you doing dressed like that !?
Jake-I’m waiting for a person then it’s my home and I can wear what I want
Tom-no it is not your home! is my mom’s house!
Jake-who do I look like? I waited for the right time to tell you … but from now on I will be your mom
Tom-no I can not accept it
Jake-do not worry I’ll be the best mom ever. hurry to leave Brad is coming
Tom-Brad who? not that douchebag from gym
Jake-Yes … I know you can not understand, but now that I am a woman I have my needs, and he is so strong and cool, and has a crush on your mo… me.
Tom-but why all this ?!
I discovered that I love all the attention I get, it’s fun and exciting when the boys look at my tits and beyond. I like to have all to my feet. And then sex..but you can understand it only when you try it. I will keep my affairs secret, I don’t want to anyone think I am a whore, as long as you behave yourself. Now go to Tom and give him the bad news
Tom-Io ..
Ding Dong. Jake in Tom’s mother body went to open
Brad-hello beauty
after the greetings Tom saw Brad kissing his mother and grabbing her ass
Brad-then we may start the fun?
Jake-Wait,my son is leaving
Brad-oh hello tom- said, giving him a pat on the back-do not worry,I will give her back to you whole.
Brad took his mother in his arms and start having sex with her while Tom went out to tell his mom the bad news

young again

49 year old Catherine was overweight and this made her sad. Luckily for her there was a way to change that as her daughter Danielle was unhappy and wanted to skip college so she gathered all her money up and went to their local magic store and bought the age swap rings, she gave one to her mother and kept one for her self. As both of them put on the rings they swapped ages. Catherine was jumping up and down with joy, but Danielle was frozen and slunk to the ground as she felt her boobs hit her fragile knees she realised that her mother was very overweight, this translated to Danielle having excess skin and her boobs sagging but in Catherine’s case the fat she had was stored in her new giant boobs.

Bad news

Tom-My mother thanks you had granted these days by young teenager and asks when you will swap back?
but seeing Tom in the body of his mother dressed only in underwear and heels asked
Tom-What are you doing dressed like that !?
Jake-I’m waiting for a person then it’s my home and I can wear what I want
Tom-no it is not your home! is my mom’s house!
Jake-who do I look like? I waited for the right time to tell you … but from now on I will be your mom
Tom-no I can not accept it
Jake-do not worry I’ll be the best mom ever. hurry to leave Brad is coming
Tom-Brad who? not that douchebag from gym
Jake-Yes … I know you can not understand, but now that I am a woman I have my needs, and he is so strong and cool, and has a crush on your mo… me.
Tom-but why all this ?!
I discovered that I love all the attention I get, it’s fun and exciting when the boys look at my tits and beyond. I like to have all to my feet. And then sex..but you can understand it only when you try it. I will keep my affairs secret, I don’t want to anyone think I am a whore, as long as you behave yourself. Now go to Tom and give him the bad news
Tom-Io ..
Ding Dong. Jake in Tom’s mother body went to open
Brad-hello beauty
after the greetings Tom saw Brad kissing his mother and grabbing her ass
Brad-then we may start the fun?
Jake-Wait,my son is leaving
Brad-oh hello tom- said, giving him a pat on the back-do not worry,I will give her back to you whole.
Brad took his mother in his arms and start having sex with her while Tom went out to tell his mom the bad news