Tag Archives: M@F

Schlechter Tag für Pornos Teil 1

Der 13 jährige Martin hat sich wohl den falschen Tag für tg Pornos ausgesucht oder wie er jetzt mit seinen Riesen Bimbo Brüsten genannt wird, Lucy Wild.
Seine Mutter kam etwas früher zurück und sah den Laptop ihres Sohnes auf der Couch liegen, Sie wollte ihn eigentlich nur wegräumen aber zu Ihrer Verwunderung sah Sie ein tg Porno. Sie begriff schnell, dass Ihr Sohn lieber eine Frau sein möchte doch leider ging da etwas schief. Read more

The Reality

As I stared at the weight in my feminine hand I had an epiphany. I’d let my anger blind me to reality. When my friend and room mate, Jim, had wished for a pretty wife he could love and care for, the magic in the wishing coin had used me, Dave, as its raw material. Furious at being changed into a girl and furious at Jim for making the boneheaded wish, I stormed out vowing never to return. The reality was we’d been friends since we were kids and I missed my friend. Fine! I’ll be his wife but he would never touch me! The reality was I enjoyed sex as much as Jim, especially the make up sex after our many fights. Still mad about the wish, I decided to let myself go. Let’s see how Jim likes being married to a real pig of a fatty. The reality was I had too much pride in my looks to do that to myself or to Jim. Well dammit, I’m not really a girl. I’m a man! Now what would a man do? A man would kick his ass. That’s It! I’d work out every day until I was strong enough, then I’d kick Jim’s ass all over town for what he did to me. The reality was there was no way this body would ever be strong enough. After months of daily workouts, all my body did was become more toned and beautiful. Now as I stared at the weight in my hand I realized the wish had changed us both. I was no longer Dave, the man who was changed into a girl. I was Diane, a confident young woman and wife. Jim, the post adolescent slacker was gone. I his place was Jim, the hard working, caring, responsible man and husband. The reality was my anger had been replaced with love. I smiled and put the weight down. My husband would be home soon and maybe it was time we talked about starting a family.

First Impressions

They warned me not to go there. They said white men weren’t welcome. They said the locals believed in magic and I wouldn’t be safe. Magic! Bah! I’m a trained missionary. It’s my duty to go to backwards people, such as these, and enlighten them. No one would take me, so I bought a small boat and set out for the island alone. As I neared the beach, a local watched me suspiciously. I smiled and waved to him. A good first impression is important. He only frowned and began to mumble. Undeterred, I approached him with my hand out. He did seem much taller than I had originally thought. I took his hand in mine and gave it a good shake. We were taught a good firm hand shake was an almost universal sign of greeting. As I shook his hand a big smile replaced the frown on his face. I was right! These people aren’t so unapproacable. I’ll bet they take everything I have to offer.