Tag Archives: @wespe77

Date Night Late Night

Vince was always coming in at all hours of the night. His neighbors were often woken by the loud sounds of him staggering in the door of his apartment, drunk off his ass and out of his mind. They were getting rather sick of it, and decided to do something about it. Complaining to the landlord hadn’t helped, so they went to the old spell book the Gordon’s grandparents had left to them in their will. Read more

Just A Job

Chris had heavily disapproved of his neighbor’s job. She worked at this new club on Fourth and Bolyard and, frankly, Chris had a feeling it wasn’t just a strip club. Now, as somebody who had recently joined a particularly fundamentalist religious sect, he figured it was his job to save this lady from her life of sin. Read more


Jimmy grinned at his girlfriend through the laptop screen. Well, his sorta girlfriend. Ever since she’d cast that spell things had been kinda….confused. Part of his brain still remembered Kyle. But Kylie was clearly into him— had been since the fourth grade though she hadn’t acted on it. And, well……she was good looking.

Double Team

My friend Brad and I were some of the best private operatives in the game. We certainly didn’t come cheap, but we always succeeded in getting the information. The secret? An old spell book Brad’s grandmother had left behind for him in her will. The spell book helped us infiltrate with ease. Read more

Hands On Instruction

Emma rolled her eyes. Seriously? She knew she’d made a mistake. She shouldn’t have blasted them full power. Now they hardly were able to function on their own. The simple stuff they could do just find, but the more complicated, emotional stuff? Or even some simple, physical stuff? They froze up. Like now. Read more

Inspecting The Goods(Part One of Two)

“Whaaaaat did you do to me!?” Anya screamed. Mr. Deblanc knew that she was going to be pissed. He’d been instructed on this eventuality. “Mr. Brooks warned you, ma’m. He told you to stay away from his daughter. You wouldn’t listen. Now you have to stay away. Don’t be so upset. You’ll have a good life here. Mr. Brooks is paying your living expenses. You’ll be okay.” Read more

Entrance Exam

(Hey sis) (Hey dude! Wassup!) (Nm, you?) (Just chilling back at the house with your fan going lol. How’d the test go?) (Went well. Pretty sure I got you in) (OMG!Thanks!!!) Read more