Tag Archives: tgflu

Rapid Response

Normally the TG Flu took about two weeks to work through your system. The changes slowly happened over that time and people usually stayed home since it was awkward to to be out and about. Read more

Way Too Big

“I know. I know. When I contracted the TG flu and started changing, I complained that my boobs were practically non existent. I mean, if you’re going to spend a few months as a woman, you want some nice tits to play with, right? Just as I thought my changes were over, something happened, they finally began to grow! I was so excited! First day, they were the size of apples. The next day, oranges. Then, grapefruit. Then, cantaloupes! Now that they’re nearing the size of fat watermelons, I can’t help but miss my small chest. They are way too big! And yes, they’re still growing!”