Tag Archives: model

Day-Dreaming (Request)

Sammy stirred the soup, somewhat excited, yet apprehensive. It was her boyfriend Rich’s birthday and she was unsure what to get him, he wasn’t the kind of guy to just give out hints. Earlier that day she had ventured downtown perusing market stalls, small shops and vendors to find something he would like. She had spotted a small jar of a sparkling deep purple, and purchased it from the wrinkled but lovely old lady with the description “It will help your dreams become more real”. Sammy knew her BF had some pretty enjoyable dreams, because she could hear him, right beside her, most nights. “Surely he would love this if it makes them better and more intense!” She thought. “Who knows, if it’s that good I might try some…” She popped the cap and took a big pinch of the radiant, sparkling purple powder, it’s shimmer like staring into the universe, and sprinkled it into his bowl of soup, stirring and slipping the little jar back into her jeans pocket. Read more

Am I ready?

At first I was against it, but I needed money, so I agreed. One day, I woke up in the body of a hot brunette. I was still me, living in my old appartment, wearing male clothes and all, but for some reason, I was now a girl. I tried going to work, but no one recognized me. I called my girlfriend, but thought it was some kind of sick joke. My oldself had vanish into thin air. Read more