At the Bodyswap Clinic
Not many people was aware that the Bodyswap Clinic not only swapped people, they also had additional bodies in storage. Don´t ask me how they got them but they have.
It cost extra of course.
The people at the clinic showed me a catalogue to chose from, full with measurements and additional info in addition to the spinning 3D-model.
Already from the beginning I had a clear idea of what I was looking for, and I found a body that matched my expectations well enough for me to get interested.
“That one”, I told one of the employees.
The brought me down to the basement where the pods with the bodies was stored and opened up one of them so I could get a better look.
I felt how my heart skipped a couple of beats and I felt this peculiar knot in my stomach. In person she was even better than I had imagined.
The technician stood by me in silence as I gazed upon the body in front of me. They had instructed me that I wasn´t allowed to get too close because of sanitary reasons, but even from distance I had seen enough.
I gave the technician a nod and told him that this was the one I wanted.