Tag Archives: Nubianartefact

Nubian Artefact

“Goodbye professor and have a nice evening! I´ll wrap it up for ya”. Owen Pedersen, a hard working student, was prepared for a late evening. To earn some extra credit he had convinced the professor to go home early and promised that he would take care of the rest himself. Only three crates more to go.“Good evening Mr Pedersen. Don´t wear yourself out now, you hear?”. The door slammed behind the professor and Owen was all alone. “Alright then. Just three more crates to go from the egyptian temple excavation to catalogue and then I`m done”. He cracked open the crate with a crowbar and found a peculiar item. “Heh, I haven´t seen those in ages”, Owen said an picked up a Furby. Someone is definately a joker over there. He continued with his work after have placed the Furby on the honorary spot on the piedestal where it had an excellent vantage point. Let´s see here. Another bowl made of clay. And another one. Oh, what do we have here? A small statue. Looks like one of the more common ones. No wonder the professor took him up on his offer so fast.

Owen had to hang on the crowbar to open the lid on the second crate. People like him was more about brain than brawn.
“And what treasures will reveal themselves to me this time?”, he muttered, “Oh, look. Another bowl of clay”.
Halfway through the Crate of Endless Bowls he became bored and sloppy.
The sixty-fourth bowl he handled that day was the first one he dropped.
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. The professor will kill me!”
“Fuck, I need to get rid of the evidence!”
As Owen began to collect all the pieces he noticed something that had been hidden inside the bowl and after thousands of years in the dirt had come into the light once more.
“What´s this?”
He removed parts of the broken bowl and saw a necklace. It looked practically new. Guess the conditions to preserve it were excellent in that dry climate.
Owen picked it up so he could examine it closer. It didn´t seem egyptian, even though it was related to them. It was more like nubian, the kingdom south of Egypt all those years ago, in what now was Sudan.
It was so beautiful to look at. The craftmanship was excellent, and the precious metal didn´t seem to have any impurities at all.
The necklace was tantalazing to look at and he wondered if he could wear it. His concious told him: “No, it´s an ancient artefact and should be treated as such”, but his desire told him “Go for it. You will be first in thousands of years to wear it”. Read more