Tag Archives: chamber

TG Clinic Request For @captainboobs

Jim was perverted. However, he saw no issue with it. As like many other men, it was a fantasy of his somewhat to venture into the ladies room and have a look. So, of course when the TG Clinic opened Jim went. Jim stood in a chamber for 45 minutes as a pink mist was sprayed all over him. Over the course of the time in the chamber his body was changing. He was gradually becoming female. Jim walked out as a feminine black-haired woman with modest breasts. Jim didn’t choose a name for his body because all he wanted to do was going into the ladies room a few times to see some girls and then later possibly change back. However, it didn’t go quite as planned. He still went into the ladies room to perv on all the ladies but every ladies room had a mirror and he looked at himself more than any others. She was beautiful. Jim felt bad if he had to give her away. Jim did a lot of thinking in that bathroom. Maybe being a girl as better. Jim had more fun as a girl than he ever had as a man. It was awesome. Jim decided that he would remain a she and become Janice. Janice couldn’t be happier.

Just let me take a selfie so you can remember me

When the world became overpopulated by males the government had to act. To combat this they began changing males into females.
Richie was randomly chosen to take part in the program. He was taken by a pair of government officials to a mysterious building. Here they took him into a chamber.
Then he was stripped of his clothes and left in there. Lights began to flash and the loud hum of a machine became almost deafening. Richie felt his entire body burn as he suddenly shrunk. His head felt like it was being pulled from all directions as his facial features changed and long blonde hair sprouted from his skull. Next his hips expanded which gave him womanly curves. His rear end filled which gave him great pleasure as his plump feminine ass formed. Next breasts balloned from his chest which gave him a warm and sexual feeling. Then came the final stage and the pivotal one. His penis and testicles retracted inside him to become a moist slit which formed his vagina.
The first thing Richie did when he, or she, was released was run for a mirror. She couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked with her pristine white teeth, her gorgeous green eyes, her round breasts and her tempting bum.
“What’s your new name gonna be miss?” Asked the government man who was holding a clipboard.
“That is one beautiful name for a beautiful lady Rose”
“Why thank you sir” replied Rose who was clearly humbled by the compliment.
“I guess you best be on your way miss Rose”
“No not yet I don’t want you to forget me. Let me take a selfie for you to remember me by.”
The goveenment man handed Rose a phone and she posed with a mirror in the background to ensure she got all her highlights.
“Thank you very much sir. I never thought I could love being a woman so much. Maybe you should try it”
And Rose exited into the greater world.


The Femchamber does great business. It has a waiting lists that boasts over a hundred men. Most men come to the Femchamber purely because of it’s safety. The procedure only leaves men as females for 3 days. However, many stay as women. A survey showed that 94% of customers came for a short and temporary experience of being a woman. However of those 94%, 52% opt for further treatment to make the change permanant. Read more